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  1. Exclamation An Effin Miracle

    This o-line is horrendous and Joe is looking bad behind it...That's exactly what we need, an effin miracle to go far in the playoffs. Just had to vent! I am so sick of the Blindside that I could

    Today I also watched some of Phillip Rivers( who is a good QB when he has time to pick you apart) look like the second coming of Kyle Boller with a putrid o-line! I am so tired of mediocrity from the line of scrimmage.

    I am still a fan and I love my Ravens and Flacco. He had a very bad day today and so did the entire offense...However, he can't be the QB he needs to be without good players in front of him...This crap was hard to watch today :grbac:
    Last edited by Tspot-D-Ravenator; 12-16-2012 at 11:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Glen Burnie
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    Re: An Effin Miracle

    both of our lines were bad today and most of the season. it all starts in the trenches. I think at least our 1st 3 picks next season need to be spent on the o line and d line. we really need to upgrade our lines


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