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  1. Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Certain "natural disasters" are used to make political, population, and real estate development changes.
    When ordinary people (citizens) are left at the mercy of insurance companies, they lose everything because of these "natural disasters," the scavengers who don't care about anything appear and do their "business" or scam, rather.
    It seems pure coincidence that the most important "democratic" state just happens to be going through this situation months after Trump's inauguration, who made his xenophobic and authoritarian speech an excellent situation for these cases to occur.
    For now, they will take advantage of the chaos and the media that support them.
    But when the cameras go off, be sure that a few coyotes will get their cut from the desperation of the people.
    Also, it wouldn't be the first time this has happened, as in any other part of the world.
    As I saw on TV, they "found" a "Latino" with a blowtorch, another coincidence, given Trump's speech.

  2. #170

    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by ArgentinaRaven View Post
    Certain "natural disasters" are used to make political, population, and real estate development changes.
    When ordinary people (citizens) are left at the mercy of insurance companies, they lose everything because of these "natural disasters," the scavengers who don't care about anything appear and do their "business" or scam, rather.
    It seems pure coincidence that the most important "democratic" state just happens to be going through this situation months after Trump's inauguration, who made his xenophobic and authoritarian speech an excellent situation for these cases to occur.
    For now, they will take advantage of the chaos and the media that support them.
    But when the cameras go off, be sure that a few coyotes will get their cut from the desperation of the people.
    Also, it wouldn't be the first time this has happened, as in any other part of the world.
    As I saw on TV, they "found" a "Latino" with a blowtorch, another coincidence, given Trump's speech.
    This is crazy. Unhinged.

  3. #171
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by BustOfPallas View Post
    This is crazy. Unhinged.
    As Elton John said in a song, "The Bitch is Back." "Hook 'em Horns" Shame

  4. #172

    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by ArgentinaRaven View Post
    Certain "natural disasters" are used to make political, population, and real estate development changes.
    When ordinary people (citizens) are left at the mercy of insurance companies, they lose everything because of these "natural disasters," the scavengers who don't care about anything appear and do their "business" or scam, rather.
    It seems pure coincidence that the most important "democratic" state just happens to be going through this situation months after Trump's inauguration, who made his xenophobic and authoritarian speech an excellent situation for these cases to occur.
    For now, they will take advantage of the chaos and the media that support them.
    But when the cameras go off, be sure that a few coyotes will get their cut from the desperation of the people.
    Also, it wouldn't be the first time this has happened, as in any other part of the world.
    As I saw on TV, they "found" a "Latino" with a blowtorch, another coincidence, given Trump's speech.
    Why do you have “found “ in quotes? They literally found the guy and arrested him while he was actively lighting fires in a park. There’s video of it. Also, Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated yet, so what are you even talking about. Even when he does get inaugurated no Republican pulls the levers in California. Pretty ignorant post quite frankly despite your amazing “coincidence” theory of wrongdoing by someone not even in power yet.

  5. #173
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by ArgentinaRaven View Post
    Certain "natural disasters" are used to make political, population, and real estate development changes.
    When ordinary people (citizens) are left at the mercy of insurance companies, they lose everything because of these "natural disasters," the scavengers who don't care about anything appear and do their "business" or scam, rather.
    It seems pure coincidence that the most important "democratic" state just happens to be going through this situation months after Trump's inauguration, who made his xenophobic and authoritarian speech an excellent situation for these cases to occur.
    For now, they will take advantage of the chaos and the media that support them.
    But when the cameras go off, be sure that a few coyotes will get their cut from the desperation of the people.
    Also, it wouldn't be the first time this has happened, as in any other part of the world.
    As I saw on TV, they "found" a "Latino" with a blowtorch, another coincidence, given Trump's speech.
    Continuing to challenge shame and simplesimon for most vapid posts

  6. #174

    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by blah3 View Post
    Continuing to challenge shame and simplesimon for most vapid posts
    What's crazy is leftist Democrats are the ones that abuse natural disasters to control peoples behavior and further political agendas. See the Covid power grab, election law changes/rigging vis a vis de facto ballot harvesting. I think Democrats were hinting at changing the zoning in the Palisades and eliminating single family zoning which would destroy the character of that area.

    So in that sense some of what he said is correct.

  7. #175

    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    It's disgusting how Democrats are using "Climate Change" to nakedly cover up the incompetence of Newsome and Bass.

    This is how the Democrat talking points/excuses are shaping up.

    A) Unpreventable
    B) Climate Change
    C) Trump
    D) Trump
    E) Trump and C and D

  8. #176
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by BustOfPallas View Post
    It's disgusting how Democrats are using "Climate Change" to nakedly cover up the incompetence of Newsome and Bass.

    It’s funny cause all the environmentalists blaming climate change are ignoring that they were reticent to cut underbrush to you preserve the environment.
    But hey, Joy Behar has a good idea, lets start playing those margarine commercials again.


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