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  1. #133
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    The only thing that occurs to him is how he can lie, spin, twist, and deceive to advance the power of government.
    Explain how advocating for the incarcerated advances the power of government?

  2. #134
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Republican Speaker Mike Johnson just announced that he is going to try and put conditions on aid sent to California. This is insane.

  3. #135
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Why is it insane?

  4. #136

    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    Republican Speaker Mike Johnson just announced that he is going to try and put conditions on aid sent to California. This is insane.

    That's the first thing I thought when i realized we would all have to bail those buffoons out.

    Good for him.

    I think they should force LA to cede management of their forestry, water policy, fire services budget etc.. to a bipartisan federally elected board or commission before one penny of federal dollars is committed.

    It's called "not throwing good money after bad".

    Newsome and Bass can't be trusted with billions of federal dollars to deal with this.

  5. #137

    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    Republican Speaker Mike Johnson just announced that he is going to try and put conditions on aid sent to California. This is insane.
    To make sure the money is allocated the right way, otherwise they might as well just flush it down the toilet. To just hand over billions to your California Democrat nitwits to spend it on their pet projects with no oversight is what would be insane.

  6. #138
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    California only get help if Republicans can raise the debt limit(to give Elon Musk tax cuts and increase the deficit)

    these animals would condition aid to fellow american victims of natural disaster, but never to a foreign ally committing genocide. monstrous cretins.
    Last edited by ShadeRaven; 01-13-2025 at 07:01 PM.

  7. #139
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post

    California only get help if Republicans can raise the debt limit(to give Elon Musk tax cuts and increase the deficit)

    these animals would condition aid to fellow american victims of natural disaster, but never to a foreign ally committing genocide. monstrous cretins.
    Like all the aid the South got for the hurricane? LMAO, mostly millionaires and wealthy people lost their homes. There isn't that much mercy even in CA for LA except for the dead. As for the mayor, the governor, the fire chief, most of the state Republicans or Democrats want someone's ass for all this.

    I live here, and they pissed away the rainwater that could save this state, year after year, for the sake of a smelt.

    You just don't get it, Shade; you don't live here; the environmentalists will put a bird over a human's life in this state.

  8. #140
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Who is Karen Bass? Glenn Beck reviews Mayor Bass’ radical history, as laid out in a short documentary by Errol Weber. She visited Cuba multiple times during the reign of Fidel Castro as part of the Venceremos Brigade, a Marxist training program that taught insurgency and guerilla warfare. She praised Castro, even when he died. And her government has defunded firefighters to fund NGOs.
    As Elton John said in a song, "The Bitch is Back." "Hook 'em Horns" Shame

  9. #141
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by CarrollCoRaven View Post
    Who is Karen Bass? Glenn Beck reviews Mayor Bass’ radical history, as laid out in a short documentary by Errol Weber. She visited Cuba multiple times during the reign of Fidel Castro as part of the Venceremos Brigade, a Marxist training program that taught insurgency and guerilla warfare. She praised Castro, even when he died. And her government has defunded firefighters to fund NGOs.
    People in this state are starting to wake up and see you get what you vote for. Unfortunately, the large populated areas dominate the vote. I mean they have voted Republican in the past, not sure there has ever been a been an independent anything in this state.

    Biggest problem is it is a democratic super majority, no matter what ass is put forth by the democrats they are elected.

    We need:

  10. #142
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Silver View Post
    People in this state are starting to wake up and see you get what you vote for. Unfortunately, the large populated areas dominate the vote. I mean they have voted Republican in the past, not sure there has ever been a been an independent anything in this state.

    Biggest problem is it is a democratic super majority, no matter what ass is put forth by the democrats they are elected.

    We need:
    Did you hear about this Cap? Good ole California. Two men dressed in all black were detained this morning after a burglary call at the home of Kamala Harris's home in Brentwood, California, which was evacuated due to the fires. They were then questioned and naturally released. Newsom lied yet again, claiming looting/burglary won’t be tolerated, clearly it is.
    As Elton John said in a song, "The Bitch is Back." "Hook 'em Horns" Shame

  11. #143
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by CarrollCoRaven View Post
    Two men dressed in all black were detained this morning after a burglary call at the home of Kamala Harris's home in Brentwood, California
    MAGA assassination agents?

    California contributes $83 billion more in taxes than it received from the federal government. Thats your failing state?

  12. #144
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    Re: Los Angeles on Fire

    Quote Originally Posted by CarrollCoRaven View Post
    Did you hear about this Cap? Good ole California. Two men dressed in all black were detained this morning after a burglary call at the home of Kamala Harris's home in Brentwood, California, which was evacuated due to the fires. They were then questioned and naturally released. Newsom lied yet again, claiming looting/burglary won’t be tolerated, clearly it is.
    I don’t know about those dudes, but my wife has been watching the local news and she said around 30 people have been arrested for looting or being caught in the area with no business in the area after curfew.


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