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  1. #1

    Kanye West Titanium Grill Inspiration

    "Do you know him?"
    "Not socially! His name is Jaws. He kills people."

    Until a woman steals his heart and he turns into a good man. Now if only Kanye can find the right woman to change him into the right kind of man!
    Dr. Martin Luther King Most Famous Quote:
    If we can spend $35 billion dollars a year to fight an ill-considered war in Vietnam. Our nation can spend billions of dollars on Gods' Children to stand on their own two feet!

    History of the African Slave Trade
    American Government Tuskegee Horror Experiments on Blacks
    US Post Card of Black Kids As Alligator Bait
    Colonialism Big Profit From Opium Drug Dealing

  2. #2

    Re: Kanye West Titanium Grill Inspiration

    CIA Chick Agent encounter with JAWS at the RIO Carnival. "Told you about going off with strange men!" Bond too funny!
    Dr. Martin Luther King Most Famous Quote:
    If we can spend $35 billion dollars a year to fight an ill-considered war in Vietnam. Our nation can spend billions of dollars on Gods' Children to stand on their own two feet!

    History of the African Slave Trade
    American Government Tuskegee Horror Experiments on Blacks
    US Post Card of Black Kids As Alligator Bait
    Colonialism Big Profit From Opium Drug Dealing


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