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  1. #13
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    Re: A big win for the good guy, and sane father and a loss for a twisted, evil, sick mother, in SF believe it or not

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Silver View Post
    No, I do know it may not matter but 160,000 new registered Republicans in California. In that same time, Democrats have lost 106,000. Declined to states or no party preference went down to 115,000.

    Now, if that is true of this ridiculous Blue State, imagine the swing that could be going on in the rest of the country.
    Add that to the many conservatives who have left for red states. Here in Maryland, we are similar to CA, but on a much smaller population scale, but similar in percentage. No one moves here to retire. We were on a tour of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland last year and met a really nice conservative couple from Seattle, of all places. They are a rare breed there. We still keep in touch. On the same trip, we met 2 couples from Minnesota. The one couple told us the man from the other couple was the lead, or at least one of the prosecutors in the George Floyd case. He was a Democrat but wanted to actually have a fair trial and go by the book. The left wanted none of that and started harassing the poor man, even trying to burn down his house. He eventually was taken off the case. It kind of reminded me of the movie A time to kill with Matthew McConehey as the lawyer prosecuting that red neck racist who raped that little black girl. Similar harassing of a lawyer, but different subject

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    "The significance of the passage of time, unburdened by what has been."

  2. #14
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    Re: A big win for the good guy, and sane father and a loss for a twisted, evil, sick mother, in SF believe it or not

    Quote Originally Posted by CarrollCoRaven View Post
    Add that to the many conservatives who have left for red states. Here in Maryland, we are similar to CA, but on a much smaller population scale, but similar in percentage. No one moves here to retire. We were on a tour of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland last year and met a really nice conservative couple from Seattle, of all places. They are a rare breed there. We still keep in touch. On the same trip, we met 2 couples from Minnesota. The one couple told us the man from the other couple was the lead, or at least one of the prosecutors in the George Floyd case. He was a Democrat but wanted to actually have a fair trial and go by the book. The left wanted none of that and started harassing the poor man, even trying to burn down his house. He eventually was taken off the case. It kind of reminded me of the movie A time to kill with Matthew McConehey as the lawyer prosecuting that red neck racist who raped that little black girl. Similar harassing of a lawyer, but different subject

    Sent from my moto g power 5G - 2024 using Tapatalk
    Trust me, I know. I have never lived in a red state, NY, MD, now CA.

    That is a cool story.

    Couple years ago, I was in Idaho, and this dude had a bumper-sticker that said “Don’t California my Idaho”. He saw my Cali plates and flipped me off, I felt like following him to let him know not everyone from the state is a Democrat, lol, but I didn’t feel like getting shot at!

  3. #15
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    Re: A big win for the good guy, and sane father and a loss for a twisted, evil, sick mother, in SF believe it or not

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Silver View Post
    Trust me, I know. I have never lived in a red state, NY, MD, now CA.

    That is a cool story.

    Couple years ago, I was in Idaho, and this dude had a bumper-sticker that said “Don’t California my Idaho”. He saw my Cali plates and flipped me off, I felt like following him to let him know not everyone from the state is a Democrat, lol, but I didn’t feel like getting shot at!
    I know there was talk of CA charging people a fee if they moved out of the state. Did that ever gain any traction? I can't ever imagine that would be allowed under the Constitution, but would probably have to go all the way to the Federal Supreme Court and out of CA to be overturned. Any chance of areas of CA leaving and joining other states like sections of Oregon are trying to do?
    "The significance of the passage of time, unburdened by what has been."

  4. #16
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    Re: A big win for the good guy, and sane father and a loss for a twisted, evil, sick mother, in SF believe it or not

    Quote Originally Posted by CarrollCoRaven View Post
    I know there was talk of CA charging people a fee if they moved out of the state. Did that ever gain any traction? I can't ever imagine that would be allowed under the Constitution, but would probably have to go all the way to the Federal Supreme Court and out of CA to be overturned. Any chance of areas of CA leaving and joining other states like sections of Oregon are trying to do?
    Nah, you just have to pay whatever standard requirements for leaving any state. I owed Maryland a couple months income tax when I moved here.


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