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  1. #25

    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by blah3 View Post
    Well the immunity one is ridiculous. President’s need immunity or they will be neutered by fear of retribution by the opposition once out of office.
    I would consider term limits IF in the same amendment there were term limits imposed on congress.
    Code of ethics? By who?
    Yea, code of ethics is a tough one. Clarence Thomas could say he’s not fond of Mexican food and AOC would try to have him thrown off the bench for being racist.

  2. #26

    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by Willbacker View Post
    Moving on after getting toasted I see.

    Term Limits? Sure. I even like the 18 yrs idea. Thing is it starts now meaning Alito and Sotomayer still have 18 yrs. You ok with that? Now is Congress making this decision? Should be. Right? Term limits on them too. 18 yrs. DO IT!!!

    Ethics? Who decides ethics. Does Legislative and Executive have this privilage of deciding? Can Judicial decide ethics on them? Or is it just the flavor of the month? Joe likes Rocky Road and Chocolate chocolate chip.
    Term limits would have to start now on congress as well but he same measure. We still all good with that? I would be. Fair is fair.

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  3. #27
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    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by steelerhater View Post
    Since there is actual proof that the FBI interfered in the last 2 elections, it’s certainly reasonable to suspect that there were some other fishy things going on.
    I wonder if TDShade has ever read about those 2 left wingers who talked about the Twitter Files?
    "The significance of the passage of time, unburdened by what has been."

  4. #28

    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    Don't vote then if you actually believe the election is already stolen

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    How the fuck do you go from two adulterous scumbags instigating a coup based on a hoax to election denial?

    You must have had something dropped on you head in the service.

    I'm guessing a number 10 can of baked beans fell on you head while you were peeling potatoes.
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  5. #29
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    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by Moe the Crow View Post
    How the fuck do you go from two adulterous scumbags instigating a coup based on a hoax to election denial?

    You must have had something dropped on you head in the service.

    I'm guessing a number 10 can of baked beans fell on you head while you were peeling potatoes.
    "The significance of the passage of time, unburdened by what has been."

  6. #30

    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    I would be all for term limits for SCOTUS.......and of course if it was also connected to term limits for congress but we all know neither one will come to be. Congress would never pass such legislation. If we're talking just the Supreme court the problem I have is the motive behind it and the disingenuous reasons. The left simply doesn't like the decisions that have came out of the court in the past few years so they want to change it. Biden once was 100% against changing the court but now has a change of heart......because he doesn't like the decisions coming out.

    Yes, the court is for now a right leaning court. But that wasn't always the case and won't be the case in the future. SO what happens if they make the changes and again it goes through natural cycles and we find it a right leaning court again? Change it again? Pack the court? Then a Republican becomes President and tries to pack it with right leaning judges? What's the reason to change it right now?

    Why now? why all of the sudden the court needs term limits? What is the problem with the way its been for hundreds of years? The left simply doesn't like what decisions are being made.......period.

    Congress will NEVER pass legislation on congressional term limits. If they did it the law would be written in such a way that it wouldn't effect the lawmakers that are in office would be......laws for thee but not for me. The "next" guy will face term limits.

    I don't trust them sons of bitches one bit in wanting to do anything. When they say they want to make things's better for them. That's for both sides. The last thing you want to hear is........were the Government and we are here to help. How about go fuck yourself. Biden isn't doing this to help this country, it's about power and having the ability to change America in the way that a certain group wants it to be.......not what's best for America. Biden didn't come up with this how. Someone is behind it. Who? Biden didn't want to drop out of the election, he had his heels dug in........someone wanted him out, There's a king maker hiding in the bushes. There's a cabal that's running this country right now.

    I don't trust any of them, so excuse me for being skeptical of anything that comes out of this administration even if it looks like a good idea on the surface.
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  7. #31
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    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    It's true that the only ones ever talking about packing the courts is the left aka crybabies. When it was a left leaning court you never hear such things. Biden only wants term limits now since it would only affect the right leaning ones. If it was the other way around we all know he wouldn't call for this.

    I am for term limits in general and I like the 18 yrs for the Supreme Court while also the ultimate fore me in the legislative branch it would be 12 yrs each side or a combination like 6 yrs in House and 6 yrs in Senate. You can still run for governor and other execeutive/judicial positions but for the high majority it will not be life term. You would get more done imo.
    I don't know a lot but I know a little

  8. #32

    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Biden hasn't proposed packing the courts you're lying

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  9. #33
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    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    Biden hasn't proposed packing the courts you're lying

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    Ah shameraven yet again mischaracterizing.
    Hasn’t bothered to argue for his points, completely changed the subject when provided evidence of election interference.
    Here is the commentary of court stacking. Not what shame protrayed is it?
    “It's true that the only ones ever talking about packing the courts is the left aka crybabies. When it was a left leaning court you never hear such things. Biden only wants term limits now since it would only affect the right leaning on”

  10. #34

    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    If Biden truly wanted to effect positive change.....a legacy, he would have coupled his statement with Congressional term limits.

    Wasn't that long ago Joe Biden was against changing the SCOTUS, so why now? Why this moment in time? I know. it's a rhetorical question........we all know why.
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  11. #35
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    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThankyouArt! View Post
    If Biden truly wanted to effect positive change.....a legacy, he would have coupled his statement with Congressional term limits.

    Wasn't that long ago Joe Biden was against changing the SCOTUS, so why now? Why this moment in time? I know. it's a rhetorical question........we all know why.
    He is pandering to the lefty loons, knowing it has no chance to pass in Congress. He now is trying to buy even more votes by forgiving even more student loans, even though the SC said it's unconstitutional. Why do they even care about the SC. They ignore them anyway.
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  12. #36
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    Re: Remember these FBI scum bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeRaven View Post
    Biden hasn't proposed packing the courts you're lying

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    Democrats to introduce bill to expand Supreme Court from 9 to 13 justices

    President Joe Biden announced the formation of a commission last week to study the court's structure, including the number of justices and their length of service.



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