Quote Originally Posted by ddr_jr View Post
Hilarious. The few are still dying on that Trump vine. They will ride and die to the end with their blindfolds on. The writing is on the wall, Trump is done. He's hanged himself with his narcissism and egomaniacal behaviors. All the winner has done is lose. Eventually people wake up from that. We now have 'woke' conservatives who have stopped drinking the cool aid. However...

In true Trump fashion, he will obliterate the party to try to win. If Desantis grows a pair and dips his toe in, Trump will destroy his career with the nicknames and rumors. If for some reason the establishment props up Desantis or any other candidate over the finish line, Trump will tell his voters that they cheated him and will destroy any chance of them winning. It all points to Trump being the nominee and us having a 90 year old president Biden in 2024. Trump won't be indicted. If he is, it will be flimsy. The powers at be need him to run in 2024...so he can lose again. He is the best thing democrats got going for elections. When Trump does finally ride off in the sunset, the new leaders will be: Kari Lake, MTG, Matt Gates and the like to carry the torch. Will there ever be a place for an Asa Hutchinson or a Tim Scott to lead the party again?

Btw, gas is $2.90 in my area. Lowest since the pandemic. Malls we're jammed up all holiday shopping, couldn't find anything as it everything was sold out. People spending money. Americans are smart. They know what time it is and why prices are really up. The mid terms proved that. Fear tactics and lies don't work. We need more independent thinkers like Kristen Sinema and the moderate republicans, dems to get things done for our country.

Happy New Year.

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Jesus Christ, stop and think about what he pulled off. It's like you skip over that completely.
Probably because you were one of those people that was never able to accept it. He came from a joke candidate/longshot last to first in the primaries in 2016, won the nomination, and eventually beat Hillary fucking Clinton. That wasn't supposed to happen. It's amazing to me how people forget he did the impossible in 2016. He beat the entire 2016 Republican field like a drum and then won Michigan and Pennsylvania and took the Whitehouse.

He had the most hostile press coverage the entire time of any politician in history and still won.

You people act like he never occuped the oval office. Hating on him and trying to belittle him and his supporters is not taking that trophy and that win off the board and I'm sure you were one of those sky screaming little bitches when he won, lol.