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  1. All Electric, Anyone?

    Get ready. Let's go, Brandon!!

    "An acquaintance farms over 10,000 acres of corn in the Midwest. The property is spread out over 3 counties.
    His operation is a "partnership farm" with John Deere. They use the larger farm operations as demonstration projects for the promotion and development of new equipment.

    He recently received a phone call from his John Deere representative, and they want the farm to go to electric tractors and combines in 2023. He currently has 5 diesel combines that cost $900,000 each that are traded in every 3 years. He also owns over 10 really BIG tractors. John Deere wants him to go all-electric to satisfy the liberals.

    He said: "Ok, I have some questions. How do I charge these combines when they are 3 counties away from the shop in the middle of a cornfield, in the middle of nowhere?”
    "How do I run them 24 hours a day for 10 or 12 days straight when the harvest is ready, and the weather is coming in?" "How do I get a 50,000+ lb a combine that takes up the width of an entire road back to the shop 20 miles away when the battery goes dead?"

    There was dead silence on the other end of the phone.
    When the corn is ready to harvest, it has to have the proper sugar and moisture content. If it is too wet, it has to be put in giant dryers that burn natural or propane gas, and lots of it. Harvest time is critical because if it degrades in sugar content or quality, it can drop the value of his crop by half a million dollars or more. It is analyzed at time of sale.

    It is standard procedure to run these machines 10 to 12 days straight, 24 hours a day at peak harvest time. When they need fuel, a tanker truck delivers it, and the machines keep going.

    John Deere's only answer is "we're working on it." They are being pushed by the radical Dems in the government to force these electric machines on the American farmer. These politicians are out of control. They are messing with the production of food crops that feed people and livestock... all in the name of their "green dream" with no thought about how to achieve their objective.

    Look for the cost of your box of cornflakes to triple or more in the next 24 months."
    "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

  2. #2
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    Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    They keep pushing all this "green energy" crap and lots of people are going to starve.

    Learn to garden fellas, cause you're going to need it.

  3. Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by NCRAVEN View Post
    They keep pushing all this "green energy" crap and lots of people are going to starve.

    Learn to garden fellas, cause you're going to need it.
    Yep. All a part of the grand plan to destroy the middle class and make/keep people dependent on the gov't.
    As for gardening, I agree. are all these new fangled gardeners gonna protect their plots?
    "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

  4. #4
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    Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    I'll sleep on my roof with my thermal sights and be ret to go!

  5. Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    The buzzards won't starve. We do know that much.
    "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

  6. #6
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    Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by blueridgemtnman View Post
    The buzzards won't starve. We do know that much.
    I think you misspelled liberals though the definition is the same.

  7. Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    I think you misspelled liberals though the definition is the same.
    Spelling aside, buzzards have real value. Kinda serve a purpose, they do.
    "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

  8. #8
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    Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    All the guy has gotta do is set up a bunch of windmill turbines spaced out thru his fields and just buy a shitload of extension cords. Easy peasy.
    I don't know a lot but I know a little

  9. #9
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    Mt. Arrogance in the middle of the .11 rolling acres of The Windbag Estates

    Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Willbacker View Post
    All the guy has gotta do is set up a bunch of windmill turbines spaced out thru his fields and just buy a shitload of extension cords. Easy peasy.
    Or just have a long ass cord hooked to acres of solar panels on the land which he then could no longer farm but sacrifices must be made (by others, obviously not the left-wing nuts riding in their private jets and million dollar yachts).


  10. #10
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    Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    Or just have a long ass cord hooked to acres of solar panels on the land which he then could no longer farm but sacrifices must be made (by others, obviously not the left-wing nuts riding in their private jets and million dollar yachts).

    Absolutely. Must cut down trees and fill farmland up with green energy. Now we have to figger out what to do with all those methane emitting cows.
    I don't know a lot but I know a little

  11. #11

    Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    Or just have a long ass cord hooked to acres of solar panels on the land which he then could no longer farm but sacrifices must be made (by others, obviously not the left-wing nuts riding in their private jets and million dollar yachts).

    There is this FB post going around about how the elites don’t have to participate in the solution to be working towards change…. The level of brainwashed one needs to be to remain a liberal in 2022 is extraordinary…

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  12. #12
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    Re: All Electric, Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by jonboy79 View Post
    There is this FB post going around about how the elites don’t have to participate in the solution to be working towards change…. The level of brainwashed one needs to be to remain a stupid in 2022 is extraordinary…

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Fixed it for you


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