Zelensky states that nobody actually believes this. Can you blame him?

"Never again" is a phrase or slogan which is associated with the Holocaust and other genocides. The phrase may originate from a 1927 poem by Yitzhak Lamdan which stated "Never again shall Masada fall!"

Then theres Russian soldiers raping children and elderly

I told the one who raped me, 'I'm old enough to be your mother. Would you let this happen to your mother?'" she continued. "He made me shut up.

Locals told us others were also raped there, including a 16-year-old girl.
This is pure evil and Putin is getting away with threatening two other nations with nuclear warfare. I said it before and it needs to be said again that passive action will do absolutely nothing to resolve this conflict. Go out there and fight them. Stop focusing on strengthening our enemies (Iran) and start focusing on bringing actual justice rather than calling the defense of peoples feelings/delusions justice. Russia threatens to nuke and it works in their favor without having to launch a thing and are we to believe other nations won't soon follow suit? Go fight these pedophile rapist scum.