Quote Originally Posted by bacchys View Post
So do I. After dealing with the pandemic, the top priority of the Biden Administration should be to drag all of Trump's corruption out into the sunlight.

In one of the interviews for Rage, Trump told Woodward the "transcript" exonerated him, yet he's never released the whole thing. He promised to declassify everything- even Tweeted that he had declassified everything- but he hasn't. Biden should make his promises true.
Sorry bacc. They left had four years to dig up dirt. Couldn’t find any. Trump has his team pulling together all kinds of dirt on dem politicians. He has already started to leak this in tweets.
The next 4 years will be a slow drip of dem corruption.

How many dem leaders entered public life as middle income, and are now multi millionaires? I think Biden and Pelosi are first to fall.

I am starting to see how easy it is to be in the minority. You get to throw accusations at everyone. And as the left taught us these last four years. You really don’t even need any evidence.

I also hear that trump is starting his own news network.

Going to be a rough 4 years for the corrupt politicians.