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  1. #13

    Re: Further proof that democrats enjoy harming children

    It's like this running argument I have the democrat I like. She swears feminism is only about equality to which I always respond that's what it used to be about. Now feminists have to support abortion on demand (no) use words like "toxic masculinity" without rolling their eyes (no), believe there are 50 million different genders (no), and in general supplicant themselves to a movement that has nothing to do with equality.

    I support changing some of the things about the police, starting with qualified immunity. They should all wear cameras. But which is more important to me, police reforms or not living in a Socialist hellhole? It's the not living in a Socialist hellhole for people who haven't been paying attention.
    "A moron, a rapist, and a Pittsburgh Steeler walk into a bar. He sits down and says, “Hi I’m Ben may I have a drink please?”

  2. #14

    Re: Further proof that democrats enjoy harming children

    Quote Originally Posted by darb72 View Post
    You mean unlike democrats voted Bill Clinton, who visited Epstein's private island numerous times, into office twice? Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after the first sniff of impropriety towards underage girls.

    How many children have been murdered by democrats just during these lawless riots they're having? How many are butchered every day so Planned Parenthood can earn a profit while democrats are rushing to give them taxpayer funds? Yeah, democrats either enjoy harming children or simply don't care so long as they get to retain power.
    Do you have any friends or acquaintances that are democrats? Do you think they enjoy physically harming their children? You put up a photo of a criminal and then state its proof that democrats enjoy harming their children. Analogy - I could put up a photo of a white man who murdered black people in a church and say that is proof that white Christians enjoy harming black people. Pretty idiotic - huh? That's how you come off. It's pretty clear you are filled with hate for democrats. Generalizing criminal photos to encompass an entire group of people - well - thats low even for you. Maybe not...

  3. #15

    Re: Further proof that democrats enjoy harming children

    Quote Originally Posted by 2bynight View Post
    Do you have any friends or acquaintances that are democrats? Do you think they enjoy physically harming their children? You put up a photo of a criminal and then state its proof that democrats enjoy harming their children. Analogy - I could put up a photo of a white man who murdered black people in a church and say that is proof that white Christians enjoy harming black people. Pretty idiotic - huh? That's how you come off. It's pretty clear you are filled with hate for democrats. Generalizing criminal photos to encompass an entire group of people - well - thats low even for you. Maybe not...
    I do generalize and hate most democrats. As for them harming their own children probably not, but that other kids, yeah. The example of a white guy is wrong because you're conflating an immutable characteristic with actions.

    Democrats continue to vote for policies that directly harm children, ergo they either don't care about children or enjoy watching them suffer.

    - Education. Children in democrat run areas lag in testing behind children in moderate or Republican areas. Baltimore and New York City are examples of this.
    - Abortion. Democrats ran a promotion called "Celebrate your abortion".
    - Safety. 22 children murdered in Baltimore last year. Democrats have been in charge of that city for the past 80 years. Six have been killed in Chicago this year and what did the mayor of Chicago do to fix this? Demanded that the federal government NOT intervene while passing the blame to surrounding states.
    - General well-being. The policies democrats espouse have proven time and again to be detrimental to every person suffering under them.
    "A moron, a rapist, and a Pittsburgh Steeler walk into a bar. He sits down and says, “Hi I’m Ben may I have a drink please?”

  4. #16

    Re: Further proof that democrats enjoy harming children

    Quote Originally Posted by owknows View Post
    I would have an easier time doing that if they would more readily separate themselves.

  5. #17
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    Re: Further proof that democrats enjoy harming children

    I’m going to close this thread. I’m doing it knowing that some of you will probably be annoyed at me.

    My reasoning is not necessarily because I want to stifle free speech or anything, but because I have come to think that this thread in particular could very easily get really ugly...maybe even more than it already has.

    We are in a weird time right now. Division is in our faces every day and it’s tiring. It zaps the energy out of you.

    We come to this forum because we are all Ravens fans, but honestly, most of us have been coming to this forum practically every day for YEARS. At this point, it’s more than simply just because we root for the same football team.

    Let’s use this as an opportunity to try and be less divisive. Let’s try and be more understanding and simply accept that we all have different perspectives and ideas.

    Think it over.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Disclaimer: The content posted is of my own opinion.


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