So CNN wrote an article that Trump mishandled top secret information so badly that the CIA had to pull operatives out of Russia. It not only turns out that this story might have been "liberal bias"... but that it is provable that it is false, and that they intentionally lied about it, AND it put CIA assets currently in Russia, in jeopardy.

The CIA has since released, in response to this insane article, that the assets were ACTUALLY pulled out of Russia prior to Trump taking office because of all of the false media reporting on Russian election interference. This article has since put Russia on the lookout for any "mishandled top secret material by Trump". CNN actually caused a cyber battle by reporting blatantly false information, when in reality it was their own network that caused the pullout of CIA operatives.

CNN is trash... actually... they are worse. I've been VERY against the president saying that the media is the "enemy of the people". We do not need that rhetoric from our president. Are MSNBC, ABC, and CBS biased? Yes... absolutely... and it is on the viewer to discern what they are willing to intellectually digest. CNN is something else... they subvert the intelligence agency, pushing false narratives so regularly now that our enemies have been emboldened. I would say that his assessment of CNN is accurate that they are, in fact, an enemy of the people. Their press passes should be revoked, and FEC should revoke their journalist credentials as a company at this time. They have proven, repeatedly, that they do not take the responsibility of being part of the free press of the US seriously. These are becoming unhinged and dangerous people pushing propaganda we've never seen in our lifetime. It isn't just one or two stories here and there... it is a concerted effort to attack America, it's principles, and its authority, purely based on their deep rooted hatred of our president.

I do not have ONE authoritarian bone in my body. I'm a libertarian in almost every sense of the word. I hate government action into the private sector in almost EVERY instance. In this case, the government needs to disband CNN. They are becoming a danger to the US. I feel very extremist saying this... and I'm not an extremist person in any way... it has gotten THAT bad.