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Regulation and the Black Family / U3

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Modern levels of regulation work for established corporations by creating higher barriers of entry for new business ventures.

Also, I take offense to the thought that regulation is the savior of black folk. Regulation destroyed the black family, depressed black wages and this should be obvious by your posts, developed a pipeline to prison through the war on drugs.

Census Bureau data shows that from 1960 and 2013, African –American children who lived in single parent homes more than doubled from 22% to 55%. The same research showed that white children from single-parent homes tripled from 7% to 22%.

Vedder and Galloway's Out of Work shows that the white to non-white workforce expanded after the civil rights era and the war on poverty.

In 1930 the white unemployment rate was 6.59% and the non-white unemployment rate was 6.07%.
In 1990 the white unemployment rate was 4.70% and the non-white unemployment rate was 10.1%. A staggering 2.1unemployment rate ratio.

So let's try this again.

Has regulation been the savior of the black family? OR are you willing to admit that perhaps the hearts and minds of a great many have changed in spite of extensive regulation.[/QUOTE]

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