My issue with the blog link you posted is that it sounds like some carefully chosen sound bytes to create some controversy (read: how do I get people to click on my blog?)

FWIW and IMHO, Wilson doesn't really whiz on Ravens fans, more that he displays ignorance of football tradition. And again FWIW, it almost sounds more like he's saying Ravens fans (as opposed to Baltimore football fans) when he's quoted as saying "they [meaning WHO?] have nowhere near the tradition of Redskins fans". As others note, the Ravens have been here a little more than a Baker's dozen seasons, and Warshington has "enjoyed" ;) their football team for much longer. Wilson sounds like he may not be a student of football history and lore. If you consider the storied tradition of Baltimore's participation in football over the last 70ish years or so, we have every bit as much strength of fanbase as Snyder's team.

Plus, Wilson's barely into his late 20's, and he's citing his elderly relatives as "My uncle is 50-so years old and all they know are Redskins..."

I've got a comfortable pair of shoes older than Wilson, and his uncle was probably barely just a gleam in his Pop's eye when the BALTIMORE Colts were winning a Super Bowl!