I know: it's a little corny. But it made me chuckle, so I'll share it here for those others Ravens fans who have a low humor threshold. (PurpleRulz: don't bother to read this - you wouldn't appreciate the humor!)

Two boys are playing hockey on a pond in Dundalk when one is suddenly attacked by a rabid rottweiler.

Thinking quickly, the other boy takes his stick and shoves it under the dogs
collar, twists it breaking the dog's neck and saving his friend.

A reporter who was strolling by sees the incident.

"Ravens Fan Saves Friend From Vicious Animal," he starts writing in his

"But I'm not a Ravens fan," the little hero replied.

"Sorry, since we are in Baltimore I just assumed you were," said the
reporter and he starts writing again.

"Orioles Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack."

"I'm not an Orioles fan either," the boy said.

"Oh, I assumed everyone in Baltimore was either for the Ravens or the O's.
What team do you root for?" the reporter asked.

"I'm a Colts fan," the child said.

The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes, "Little Bastard From Indianapolis Kills Beloved Family Pet."