Poor Mr. Obama.

I guess this is what we get when someone is elected with style over substance. His on-the-job trinaing is not going so well.

First, he camapigned on transparency. That's fallen short. $350 Million in bank bail out money has gone to ... well, we dont know where it has gone because the White House is refusing to release the list of where funds are being distributed. But that's ok, at least it's not like him having a secret Blackberry .... oh, wait ....

Then he stumped for 5-day citizen review for ALL non-emergency bills. He called it the "Hope and Change promise". Well, chalk that up to another campaign promise that went the way of the doh doh bird. Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the S-CHIP bill within 3 days of being passed through Congress.

Stumping for ethics reform for a year, Obama gets elected and nominates not one, not two, but four tax cheats to high level cabinet position.

And the $1 Trillion spending .... er, I mean "stimulus" bill? People are wising up pretty quickly on that pig with lipstick.

But hey, it's ok right? I mean, G7 told us this is the mandate to end all mandates. Times are a changin'. It's what the American Public wanted and got.

Uh, well maybe not. He is now looking at the largest two week drop in approval ratings of any President in their first two weeks EVER.

But hey, what do I know.