a former head of the DNC (Fowler) was caught joking with a fellow pol, taped as saying '(the hurricane) is proof God is on our side'. Fowler followed up with a self-serving apology saying he "was sorry IF anyone was offended", and followed with a proclomation supporting free speech and a complaint about people listening and and taping others' conversations.
well, Fowler, that's what happens when you're a public figure; look how the papparazzi staked out Kenneth Starr, e.g. and weren't you at the DNC when a Newt Gingrich cell phone conversation was taped and released (violating a federal law?)
I don't know what's worse, his semi-apology or Michael Moore's flat out refusal to apologize for saying that Gustav hitting during the Republican convention was 'proof that there's a God in heaven'.
but it's reassuring, kids, to know at least two Democrats have some belief in God!!!