In reflecting on how her children will remember the race of 2008, "This time we listened to our hopes instead of our fears".

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Narratives Change
by: mishima
Mon Aug 25, 2008 at 18:47:29 PDT
(9 am. - promoted by ek hornbeck)

Narratives are used to describe and shape many aspects of our lives some are subtle while others are direct. But, they are always there pushing and pulling us in directions known and unknown.

By August of 2001 a narrative was developing that George W. Bush would be a one term president as he seemed overwhelmed by his office and uninterested in governance . What's unfortunate is that the attacks of September 11, 2001 not only saved his presidency but changed the narrative from one of hope and opportunity to that of fear. Fear of our neighbors, fear of those who did not share their religious beliefs, fear of those whose dress or fashion were not theirs and fear of their government which at its founding was meant to be answerable to the people. Fear became then means to invade people's privacy to accuse people of crimes they would never be convicted of. To hold, people indefinitely both citizen and noncitizen. Fear became the means by which a government meant to be open was suddenly shrouded in secrecy.

Fear wasn't the only narrative foisted upon Americans by this administration and the Republican Party. It became fashionable to deny that Global Warming was adversely affecting the earth's climate. Corporate power became so pervasive that consumer rights and protections were trashed without thought or consequence. People just didn't matter especially minorities as the governments response to hurricane Katrina proved. The narrative projected was, wealth and power mattered the rest need not apply that being the other 95% of Americans.

Narratives change not always as fast we would like but they do change.

With the opening of the Democratic National Convention today in Denver the process has begun and if successful, can change the narratives of fear and haterd, remove secrecy from government, to bring back the rights of the accused to a fair trial in a court of law and not a kangaroo court. To end the fear of government and its invasive practices which have decimated large portions of the American Bill of Rights. Changes cannot take place in a few short weeks or months but they can take place if you allow them to and are patient with your new leaders. Remember they are not the only ones needed to change this narrative you are needed as well.