Anita is a joke that should never have been brought to this town. Looks don't sell radio space AND she aint that good looking. She is just plain dumb. She only knows what she reads or steals from the Internet. Take away Jermey and Mark and the daily co-host and she is/has nothing. And the shows she does with the Ravens players during the week is horrendous to even listen to. Between her wanting to be buddies with the team and trying to kiss their ass while getting them to say something that might get her noticed is ridiculous.

I like Drew's show when I can get a chance to listen. Not a fan of Bob "captain reset" Haynie. Viviano and Bulldog are an ok show but Viv can't real let lose with his thoughts as he has to be a report for TV first and a radio guy second. Can't do that with ties into your other job. Same for Amber. She was hired for her looks but again, Radio aint TV. I didn't know she still had a show considering they started her show last February and then she was gone till October with her Orioles sideline gig on MASN. How odd.