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  1. #1

    Club Level PSLs For Sale

    I am selling six Club Level Baltimore Ravens PSLs, seats 17 – 22 (on the aisle) Row 11 in Section 228 – Ravens side. These are great seats on the 30 yard line - club level. The PSL will give the owner the ability to purchase these Club Level Ravens tickets at face value and PSLs currently have the opportunity to purchase Lot B/C parking passes for each game.

    For everyone's protection, we can work through the PSL marketplace (where I have them listed for $4,500 per PSL) or directly through the Baltimore Ravens for secure transfer. I am willing to split the PSLs in groups of 2, 4, or 6.

    PM me if interested.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    "Merlin", Hon!

    Re: Club Level PSLs For Sale


    My pair of seats is on the aisle, row 12, section 229. Almost neighbors!

    We are looking for nearby seats for our kids or guests to rent full season, or split. We're not really interested buying more PSLs -- I still own a few in the upper deck as well. If you wind up not selling all of your seats, keep me in mind for a pair for half or all the 2015 home games.

    I also have friend whose seats are across the aisle from you, same row in 229. I don't know if he's interested in expanding from his pair. I will pass your info on to him.

    Please PM me with your contact data.
    In a 2003 BBC poll that asked Brits to name the "Greatest American Ever", Mr. T came in fourth, behind ML King (3rd), Abe Lincoln (2nd) and Homer Simpson (1st).

  3. #3

    Re: Club Level PSLs For Sale

    Mista T,

    I tried to PM but the website sent me to a page that states that I do not have permissions to Private Message. Is there anything that I can do to gain this capability? It seemed to indicate that I need a certain number of posts or some amount of time to pass before it would let me. Once I figure that out I will send you the info.

    I would much rather sell the PSLs but if I do not, I will certainly let you know for seats in 2015.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    "Merlin", Hon!

    Re: Club Level PSLs For Sale

    Nick: you are going to have to attain enough posts to be able to respond to anyone else who expresses interest. If you don't want to participate in the boring offseason discussions, her's mu suggestion: go to the "Testing, Testing" forum and just post anything a few times. I don't recall whether its a five or ten post minimum to be able to PM. Once you have attained PM capability, you should be able to delete all your tersts, if you choose, or just leave them up.
    In a 2003 BBC poll that asked Brits to name the "Greatest American Ever", Mr. T came in fourth, behind ML King (3rd), Abe Lincoln (2nd) and Homer Simpson (1st).

  5. #5

    Re: Club Level PSLs For Sale

    Will do, thanks.

  6. #6

    Re: Club Level PSLs For Sale

    OK, My PM now works. I sent you a message. Thanks!

  7. #7

    Re: Club Level PSLs For Sale

    Just lowered the asking price to $4,000 per PSL. PM me if interested.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Houston, TX Y'all

    Re: Club Level PSLs For Sale

    My interest has peaked. What would the cost be per year for the two seats on the aisle?

  9. #9

    Re: Club Level PSLs For Sale

    Wanted to let everyone know that all 6 PSLs have sold.


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