I haven't seen anyone else really dig into this...

It really burns me that each and every year we seem to find some new way to look like morons in the last two minutes.

Billick would have you believe that last nights embarassing waste of 3 points was the fault of the officials. I disagree. The poorly executed drill falls squarely on the shoulders of the coaching staff and Steve McNair.

1. Steve should know better. He is a vet and he should have spiked the ball on 3rd down. Also, I know it's pre-season, but you better have a damn good reason for calling time outs so early in the game.

2. WTF is our coaching staff thinking? A between the tackles run on 3rd down with only 16 seconds on the clock? Disgusting. Hearing Billick blame the officials disgusts me. It is insulting to Ravens fans who have watched the drill be mis-managed time and time again.

Coach: Don't put your team in the position of having a drive decided by the clock OR the officials. This is coaching 101 and you should be ashamed.

I am going to be watching Billick and Co. closely this year to see if they have made any effort to improve their decision making. The first time that they cost us a game because of BS like we saw last night, I will be calling for their collective heads.