Quote Originally Posted by Raveninwoodlawn View Post
I had and have had minimal debt...maybe it was a poor choice of words, but other than being white, there wasn't much difference. In fact, I know for sure my friend had more debt than I did as I had paid off my student loans and car note whereas he still was making payments on both.

As for the unprotected demo...of course...white males have been and are in firm control of every aspect of this country. From the Judicial system to the lawmaking system to the financial system, they are run by and large, white males. The reason protections for minorities were and are put in place is because those in control of our country/society either directly or allowed took advantage and in many cases, abused power and minorities were getting completely taken advantage of.

Those protections weren't and aren't put in there for minorities for no reason.
Obama, Holder?

Also, if you put protections in place only for a certain groups, aren't you then discriminating against the group you excluded fro the protection?